The executive blunderbuss is at it again, shooting off his mouth without checking for the truth. This time, July 11, at the NATO Conference in Brussels, he berated Germany for being “captive” to Russia due to getting “60-70% of their energy from Russia.” We’ll admit Mr. Tiny Hands knows a thing or two about being captive to Russia. He is routinely captivated himself by Russia and its leader Vladimir Putin, but that is the limit of the trump experience with Russia captives. Here’s the truth.
Despite audacious trump words at an allies breakfast that made Chief of Staff John Kelly cringe, NATO Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchinson turn away, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo freeze, Germany does not get close to 60% of its energy from Russia. In fact, the BBC estimates the true number is below 20% of Germany’s energy comes from Russia, making it hardly the “captive” trump claims. For comparison, the US imports about 50% of our daily petroleum usage. Does that make us “captive” to other countries? trump is mum on that question.
- This “Outside Fact Check” is part of an occasional series intended to bring smart, timely background information to IndivisibleSB members from sources you might have missed.
- Fact Checking the President and members of his staff, cabinet, and hangers-on is a full-time job, requiring far more resources than IndivisibleSB can muster. Fortunately, larger media outlets (many wearing with pride the presidential badge of “Fake News”) are now documenting those missteps. Please suggest topics you’d like to see addressed.