Oct 28, 2017 | Announcements, Editorials, Events, Indivisible Santa Barbara In the News
Water Usage ISB: With a federal government which expressly denies Climate Change and sea rise, where do you stand on these issues as it impacts Santa Barbara? What should the mayor, the city council and the community do to assure sufficient water for our needs? What...
Oct 24, 2017 | Announcements, Editorials, Indivisible Santa Barbara In Action, Indivisible Santa Barbara In the News
Water Usage ISB: With a federal government which expressly denies Climate Change and sea rise, where do you stand on these issues as it impacts Santa Barbara? What should the mayor, the city council and the community do to assure sufficient water for our needs? What...
Jul 5, 2017 | Events, Indivisible Santa Barbara In the News
by ISB Staff Writer JE James Hines, Conservation Chair, Los Padres Chapter Sierra Club: “One of the most exciting things about my job is meeting with powerful people. And by ‘powerful people’ I don’t mean the Secretary of Interior or the President, I mean YOU.”...
Apr 29, 2017 | Events, Indivisible Santa Barbara In Action, Indivisible Santa Barbara In the News
On Monday evening, April 17, peaceful protestors greeted Trump’s Secretary of Interior, Ryan Zinke, who spoke in support of Executive Order 19, which would allow oil drilling in our national parks. He also referred to a coming Executive Order that will open...
Apr 29, 2017 | Events, Indivisible Santa Barbara In Action, Indivisible Santa Barbara In the News
See video here: https://vimeo.com/213702525/119ffbd7c4 April 15, 2017 – A crowd of approximately 400 local residents met at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court at the corner of State and Sola Streets on Saturday morning to protest President Trump’s refusal to...
Apr 29, 2017 | Events, Indivisible Santa Barbara In the News
Santa Barbara County Action Network (SBCAN) is a countywide grassroots organization that works to promote social and economic justice, to preserve our environmental and agricultural resources, and to create sustainable communities. On Sunday, March 12, Congressman...