Jun 21, 2020 | Announcements
Indivisible Santa Barbara welcomes our recently elected Steering Committee members for the coming year. Savannah Parrison continues her excellent work as the Chair of the Steering Committee. Keith Carlson also continues as Vice-Chair. Claire Frandsen is now our...
Jun 11, 2020 | Announcements, Editorials
Dear Indivisibles, This week, we listened in tears to the words spoken at the funeral of a man who, by virtue of being Black, had his life cruelly and without justification, taken from him. We have seen the world come together in grief and horror as once again, we...
Jan 31, 2018 | Announcements
Dear Indivisible Friends, The State of the Union is Perilous. As we learned yesterday FBI Director Christopher Wray pressured FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to step down sooner than McCabe originally planned to do so. With McCabe out of the way, it appears...
Nov 4, 2017 | Announcements, Editorials, Events, Indivisible Santa Barbara In Action
If you haven’t voted for the November 7th, 2017 election, you still have time! Ballots must be postmarked by this date. Vote-by-mail ballots can be dropped off in the City Clerk ‘s Office during regular business hours prior to the Drop-Off Center dates....
Oct 28, 2017 | Announcements, Editorials
If you’re progressive, you may be seriously concerned that split endorsements will inadvertently elect a deeply conservative candidate who admittedly doesn’t believe in climate change – here in Santa Barbara, the birthplace of Earth Day. Currently, based on the only...
Oct 28, 2017 | Announcements, Editorials, Events, Indivisible Santa Barbara In the News
Water Usage ISB: With a federal government which expressly denies Climate Change and sea rise, where do you stand on these issues as it impacts Santa Barbara? What should the mayor, the city council and the community do to assure sufficient water for our needs? What...