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This is an “Outside Explainer” on Climate Change from the New York Times, a news outlet covering events of the world. While we might wish a science topic like this to be above politics and beyond the destructive reach of the Trump administration, of course it is not. This explainer has short non-science answers to  17 good questions, including suggestions for what to do. 

Click here for the discussion:

This explainer was suggested by IndivisibleSB member Mike Jack. If you see a good explainer in the wild that would interest other Indivisibles, please contact us so we can consider adding it to the archive.

For greater depth on this topic, here’s a more scientific explainer:

  • This “Outside Explainer” is part of an occasional series intended to bring smart, timely background information to IndivisibleSB members from sources you might have missed.
  • IndivisibleSB writers create our own Explainers on topics and issues of members’ interests. Please suggest topics you’d like to see addressed.